John and ‘uncle jack’ reach Nebraska

uj in nebraska small

John Macartney and “uncle jack,” the Triumph Stag, have made their way to Nebraska on the Triumph Trans-AmeriCan Charity Drive. For John, a native Brit, the corn-and-soybean landscape has been a revelation. “Ye gods, keeping ‘uncle jack’ in a straight line today on a straight road has left me with aching arms and double vision!” John wrote on the TTACD website. “At least this photo-op was exciting. It meant getting out of the car, walking forwards, turning right, turning left – and then turning round! Something I hadn’t done since 8 am today, until the time came to pose at the State Line!”

The Stag doesn’t seem to mind, anyway. Next stop for John is Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, and then comes a straight shot to the northwest to Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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